Generate leads from Google Maps

Find and research 20M+ local businesses. Whether it's cold emails,calls, or direct mail, our local business search engine has you covered.

beyond local - search results

How it works

Just a few clicks and we’ll take care of the rest

Tell us what you’re looking for

Tell us what you’re looking for

Start quickly with a variety of common business types tailored to your needs. You can also search by city or state.

Use our advanced filters

Use our advanced filters

Utilize our best-in-class intent targeting with an advanced filtering system to identify high-quality prospects.

Export when you’re ready

Export when you’re ready

You will receive a CSV containing a primary email, URL, phone number, Google Maps page, and other social media pages (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok).

Everything you need to source local businesses

Just a few clicks and we’ll take care of the rest

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that's not answered here? Send an email to

Is this a subscription?

No, this is a one time payment. You will not be charged monthly.

How much does this cost?

On average we charge $0.02 per business and an additional $0.04 if we find a decision maker email.

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes. You can export 25 leads for free.

What if I am not satisfied with my purchase?

If you’re not satisfied with your list, we’ll refund you. No questions asked.

Which regions do you serve?

We primarily serve the US but we’re working on expanding to Canada, UK, and Australia.

Can I see a demo export?

You can see a demo file here:

What is the difference between a business and decision maker email?

A business email is a general address like, while a decision maker’s email belongs to someone like the owner or CEO. However, business emails are often managed directly by these key individuals, so they’re just as effective.

Why can’t you give me more decision makers?

Most local businesses use general emails like or, which are closely monitored by the founder or key decision makers. These generic emails serve as the main point of contact, making them just as effective for reaching the right people without needing direct personal addresses.